
来源:飞鸿范文帮 2.24W

巢湖精选范文 篇1

Chaohu is a tourist resort in Anhui Province with rich tourist resources and numerous cultural landscapes. There are mountains, water, islands, springs and holes in the territory. Jiang Tao, lake, hot springs, Chaohu "three water". The Yangtze River flows through the city 182 kilometers, Jiang Tao shore, of great momentum; eight hundred Chaohu sails waves, the scenery million. The five essence of the landscape is more famous.


One is "one of the treasures" - Chaohu. Chaohu is one of China's five largest freshwater lake in the vast waters, lake mountain lake island stands, abrupt, a landscape of lakes and mountains, pavilions. The two is the "two gems" -- Laoshan Island, Tianmenshan Mountain island. The two islands are like two jewels, embedded in Chaohu and the North Bank of the Yangtze River. Three is the three "string of pearls" -- Bantang pool, three hot springs, xiangquan. The four is "four pieces of jade" - four Forest Park of Taihu mountain, mountain courtyard, Jilongshan, yefushan national. The five is the "Five Dragon Temple" -- Wang Qiaodong, Ziwei cave, fairy cave, cave, cave Bo yang. Chaohu has a long history and a rich culture. Here is the Yangtze River Basin "human ancestors Hexian man" and "screen man" thrive where is "put in Nan Chao Shang Tang Jie", "Wu Guo Zhaoguan", "overlord Wujiang suicide" memorial, Ding Ruchang, Feng Yuxiang, Zhang Zhizhong is a celebrity, Li Kenong, Dai Alan's hometown, the history of many famous the statesman, military strategist and men of literature and writing here left a large number of brilliant poetry and places of historic interest and scenic beauty, and is a landscape of lakes and mountains to overflow subgroups, making a unique landscape.

Chaohu City Jin Jiang lake, Anhui province is one of the key areas of opening up. It is located in the hinterland of Hefei, Wuhu and Nanjing "Golden Triangle", with superior location and convenient traffic. We can rely on three airports and Wuhu foreign trade wharf to go to all parts of the world. Along with the interlaced railway network in the district and the telecommunication and television network all over the urban and rural areas, the distance between Chaohu and the world is very close.

巢湖精选范文 篇2


巢湖旅游资源丰富,人文景观众多,是皖中旅游胜地。境内有山、有水、有岛、有泉、有洞。江涛、湖光、温泉、是巢湖“水景三绝”。长江流经市内182公里,江涛拍岸,气势磅礴;八百里巢湖波光帆影,景色万千。五大精华景观更是闻名遐迩。一是“一面宝境”--巢湖。巢湖是我国五大淡水湖之一,水域辽阔,沿湖山峦耸立,湖中孤岛突兀,湖光山色,交相辉映。 二是“两颗宝石”--姥山岛、天门山岛。两岛犹如两颗宝石,分别镶嵌于巢湖之中和长江北岸。三是“三串珍珠”--半汤、汤池、香泉三大温泉。四是“四块翡翠”--太湖山、天井山、鸡笼山、冶父山四个国家级森林公园。五是“五座龙宫”--王乔洞、紫薇洞、仙人洞、华阳洞、泊山洞。

巢湖市历史悠久,文化荟萃。这里是长江流域人类祖先"和县猿人"、"银屏猿人"繁衍生息的地方,是"商汤放桀于南巢"、"伍子胥过昭关"、"霸王乌江自刎"的纪念地,是名人丁汝昌、冯玉祥、张治中、李克农、戴安澜的故里,历史上许多著名的政治家、军事家和文人墨客给这里留下了众多的名胜古迹和灿烂的诗文,与湖光山色相得溢彰,融汇成一道道独特的风景线。#合肥市导游词 包公祠导游词 七星潭导游词 巢湖市环湖襟江,是安徽省重点对外开放地区之一。它地处合肥、芜湖、南京"金三角"腹地,区位优越、交通便捷。可以依托合、芜、宁三个航空港和芜湖外贸码头,直达世界各地。再加上区内纵横交错的铁路公路网、遍及城乡的电信广播电视网,把当今巢湖与世界的距离拉得很近。



巢湖精选范文 篇3





到前面就是中庙——姥山景区。中庙有名“忠庙”,位于巢湖市居巢区中庙镇,距市区48千米,古因居巢州、庐州中间,故曰“中庙”,号称“湖天第一胜境”。由于历代香火旺盛,素有“南九华,北中庙”之说。中庙初建于汉代,历代屡废屡修。后唐龙纪元年重修的庙宇,“鸳瓦搀空,虹梁用状,妙臻土木,美极丹青”。南唐保大二年再修,共6排24间,“丹脸桃红,双眉柳绿”的太姥神像“立于宝室,列位于香坛”。元朝将庙基圈拱成桥,称“熬背洞”,在洞上建殿。清时庙有“杰阁,有拜殿,有亭,有栏榭”。光绪十五年李鸿章倡募重修,分前、中、后3殿,70余间,后殿藏经阁3层,窗开八面,四角飞檐,角角系铃。民国十年加以装修,民国二十七年底,后殿因火灾被毁,仅存前、中两殿及厢房。1986年以来中庙多次整修,再具规模,殿内壁梁壁画也更彩换颜。中庙坐落在巢湖北岸延伸湖面百米的巨石矶上。石矶呈朱砂色,突入湖中,形似飞凤,通称凤凰台。古庙坐北朝南,横峙湖岸,凌空映波,殿高压云。庙门上有“巢湖中庙”书刻。整个庙宇楼阁重檐飞出,似丹凤之冠,在晚霞的照射下,灿灿生辉。中庙现供奉关羽、观音和诸神。据传原奉还有泰山玉女、巢湖焦姥。…… 位于巢湖水面中心,距中庙镇4千米,离巢湖、合肥二市各的姥山,传说陷巢州时,焦姥舍身济世,变成此山,故名。姥山实为一亿多年前火山爆发形成的湖心岛,海拔105米,面积0.86平方千米。山呈椭圆形,远看是三山,近瞧有九峰。据《南塘通志》记载:“姥山,又名南塘。”在姥山上有一座文峰塔,伫立在姥山之颠的笔架山上。雄伟壮观,是观赏巢湖风光的最佳处。传说焦姥登塔可以更好的看望姑山,故又名望儿塔。此塔始建于明崇祯四年,庐州知府严尔圭倡建,建成四层,因农民起义而辍工。清光绪四年,李鸿章倡捐,委江苏候补道吴 芬续建三层完工。塔共7层,133级,高51米,系条石青砖结构,八角形,层出飞檐,每檐悬铁铃,内有砖雕佛像802尊,匾额题词25件。因建塔是为了显示地方人文之胜,故名文峰塔。有民谣云:“姥山宝塔尖一尖,庐州府里出状元。”为县级重点文物保护单位。塔身由外壁、画廊、塔心三个部分组成,奇巧堪绝。塔门刻有“云梯”二字。


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巢湖精选范文 篇9

Hello, all of you, I'm Wang Ping, a tour guide from Anhui travel agency. You can call me Wang. My side is master Ma, who has many years of driving experience. It is a great pleasure to visit the Chaohu scenic area with everyone in this sunny day.

Now our car is driving on lakeside Avenue, Chaohu, also called "Jiao Lake". It is said that in ancient times of Chaohu, a year of drought, the small white dragon without rainfall except dry, made tiantiao, was the emperor censureddescends to earth, when coke Laoshan saved, the small white dragon at the focal basking grace, so he told him to heaven in nest state, coke basking timely told all the neighbors, to everyone die hard to avoid. He had delayed the opportunity to escape and was washed away by the flood. The daughter lost a pair of shoes in a hurry, and flooded, later people to commemorate the focal basking spirit, will be in the lake called "coke Lake", and then turned into a coke basking in Laoshan Mountain, a daughter, her a pair of shoes into the shoe hill. Of course, these are just a myth. The real Chaohu is of course the result of the movement of the earth's crust.

Now we look to the left is our Chaohu, the lake area of Chaohu 800 square kilometers, is the largest lake in the province, is one of the five largest freshwater lakes in China. As the water rich, suitable climate for Anhui fish.

The temple stands in Phoenix Palace red sand reef, three facing water, the existing building for the late Qing Dynasty temple diange, is dedicated to the worship of bixiayuanjun, and now people visit the temple, is no longer the aeriality pray for the gift of God, but in the work, to enjoy the magnificent scenery of Chaohu Nabaili. And in the temple at Island Lake is a vast lake, which is filled with legendary laoshan.

Laoshan Mountain is the most beautiful in Chaohu biggest lake. Laoshan not only beautiful. Many visitors walk in the places of historic interest and scenic beauty, rugged road, if you can hear your footsteps slightly heavier, echo sounding, this is the Laoshan unique "an echo", if follow the voice can be found for the size of more than 20 caves, cave rocks Ling Xun, very wonderful insurance. To climb up, you can see the Wenfeng tower.

Wenfeng's seven floors, 51 meters, 133 layers of eaves angle to walk, octagonal eight square, corner with bells, majestic appearance, exquisite structure. The body of the tower consists of three parts: the outer wall, the corridor and the tower heart. In the possession of the viceroy Li Hanzhang wrote "I recently", Chinese Taiwan's first governor Liu Mingchuan wrote the "flow column" 25 plaques and 802 statues of Buddha brick tower, people, feel the wind whistling, bells, like standing above the clouds.

Tasha linedwith Li Hongzhang like, Li Hongzhang fortune before grace division Zeng Guofan gathered on the lake in the Huai pointing, practice, not far from the tower, there is a holy temple basking, red Ying tiles nestled in the green pines and verdant cypresses, beautiful.

Ladies and gentlemen, our journey is about to end. In this short and happy time, I am impressed by the enthusiasm of you, and I hope that the beauty of Chaohu will leave you a good memory.

巢湖精选范文 篇10


巢湖旅游资源丰富,人文景观众多,是皖中旅游胜地。境内有山、有水、有岛、有泉、有洞。江涛、湖光、温泉、是巢湖“水景三绝”。长江流经市内182公里,江涛拍岸,气势磅礴;八百里巢湖波光帆影,景色万千。五大精华景观更是闻名遐迩。一是“一面宝境”——巢湖。巢湖是我国五大淡水湖之一,水域辽阔,沿湖山峦耸立,湖中孤岛突兀,湖光山色,交相辉映。  二是“两颗宝石”——姥山岛、天门山岛。两岛犹如两颗宝石,分别镶嵌于巢湖之中和长江北岸。三是“三串珍珠”——半汤、汤池、香泉三大温泉。四是“四块翡翠”——太湖山、天井山、鸡笼山、冶父山四个国家级森林公园。五是“五座龙宫”——王乔洞、紫薇洞、仙人洞、华阳洞、泊山洞。





巢湖精选范文 篇11

Chaohu is a tourist resort in Anhui Province with rich tourist resourcesand numerous cultural landscapes. There are mountains, water, islands, springsand holes in the territory. Jiang Tao, lake, hot springs, Chaohu "three water" Yangtze River flows through the city 182 kilometers, Jiang Tao shore, ofgreat momentum; eight hundred Chaohu sails waves, the scenery million. The fiveessence of the landscape is more famous.

One is "one of the treasures" - Chaohu. Chaohu is one of China's fivelargest freshwater lake in the vast waters, lake mountain lake island stands,abrupt, a landscape of lakes and mountains, pavilions. The two is the "two gems"-- Laoshan Island, Tianmenshan Mountain island. The two islands are like twojewels, embedded in Chaohu and the North Bank of the Yangtze River. Three is thethree "string of pearls" -- Bantang pool, three hot springs, xiangquan. The fouris "four pieces of jade" - four Forest Park of Taihu mountain, mountaincourtyard, Jilongshan, yefushan national. The five is the "Five Dragon Temple"-- Wang Qiaodong, Ziwei cave, fairy cave, cave, cave Bo yang. Chaohu has a longhistory and a rich culture. Here is the Yangtze River Basin "human ancestorsHexian man" and "screen man" thrive where is "put in Nan Chao Shang Tang Jie","Wu Guo Zhaoguan", "overlord Wujiang suicide" memorial, Ding Ruchang, FengYuxiang, Zhang Zhizhong is a celebrity, Li Kenong, Dai Alan's hometown, thehistory of many famous the statesman, military strategist and men of literatureand writing here left a large number of brilliant poetry and places of historicinterest and scenic beauty, and is a landscape of lakes and mountains tooverflow subgroups, making a unique landscape.

Chaohu City Jin Jiang lake, Anhui province is one of the key areas ofopening up. It is located in the hinterland of Hefei, Wuhu and Nanjing "GoldenTriangle", with superior location and convenient traffic. We can rely on threeairports and Wuhu foreign trade wharf to go to all parts of the world. Alongwith the interlaced railway network in the district and the telecommunicationand television network all over the urban and rural areas, the distance betweenChaohu and the world is very close.

巢湖精选范文 篇12




现在大家往左边看就是我们的巢湖,巢湖湖区水面800平方千米,是全省最大的湖泊,被列为中国五大淡水湖之一。与洞庭湖、鄱阳湖、太湖、洪泽湖相比,巢湖面积居小,但却别具特色。巢湖沿湖23个乡镇,岸线周长180千米,水面东西最长55千米,南北均宽15千米。水位12米时,面积800平方千米,容积 48亿立方米。巢湖是因登山远看象一个鸟巢故得名。这里还有一个故事(故事略)。巢湖水系发达,自古号称“三百六十汊”。现有入湖河流主要分布在湖区的西部和西南部。如发源与皖西大别山的南淝河,汇经上派、中派、下派的派河,流经三河的丰乐河,金牛河接流的白山河,相传曹操开凿的马尾河,源于桴槎山东麓的柘皋河。裕溪河又名运漕河,古称儒须河,西起巢湖东湖口,东南流至裕溪口,全长75千米,与长江沟通,是巢湖唯一的通江水系。巢湖流域面积总计32345 平方千米,由于水源丰富,气候适宜,素为皖中鱼米之乡。右边大家看到的是龟山,登山瞰湖,只见万顷碧波至此陡然收缩,东拥而去,大有湖水自西天倾泼而来之势。此山酷似巨龟故名,是巢湖的三龟之首。另二龟分别为南龟山和东龟山,南龟山位于巢湖南岸的桃溪嘴,与此龟山是遥遥相望,东龟山也就是濡须山,位于湖东钓鱼 台。与龟山相对的是一座石龟,此石龟为四不像,因为它是龙头、凤爪、龟身、··,此龟为我们巢湖的镇湖之龟,相传很久以前,湖内有一水怪,常年在湖中兴风作浪,使周边的百姓不得安宁,且庄稼遭秧,颗粒无收,后来人们听说此水怪最怕的就是龙、凤、龟及·,于是人们就在湖边建了这一石像,因与龟山相对,故称为石龟。巢湖又称为焦湖,关于它的形成在我们巢湖流传着一个动人的故事,相传很久以前华东大地上有一座巢州城,城内……(故事略)。

到前面就是中庙——姥山景区。中庙有名“忠庙”,位于巢湖市居巢区中庙镇,距市区48千米,古因居巢州、庐州中间,故曰“中庙”,号称“湖天第一胜境”。由于历代香火旺盛,素有“南九华,北中庙”之说。中庙初建于汉代,历代屡废屡修。后唐龙纪元年重修的庙宇,“鸳瓦搀空,虹梁用状,妙臻土木,美极丹青”。南唐保大二年再修,共6排24间,“丹脸桃红,双眉柳绿”的太姥神像“立于宝室,列位于香坛”。元朝将庙基圈拱成桥,称“熬背洞”,在洞上建殿。清时庙有“杰阁,有拜殿,有亭,有栏榭”。光绪十五年李鸿章倡募重修,分前、中、后3殿,70余间,后殿藏经阁3层,窗开八面,四角飞檐,角角系铃。民国十年加以装修,民国二十七年底,后殿因火灾被毁,仅存前、中两殿及厢房。1986年以来中庙多次整修,再具规模,殿内壁梁壁画也更彩换颜。中庙坐落在巢湖北岸延伸湖面百米的巨石矶上。石矶呈朱砂色,突入湖中,形似飞凤,通称凤凰台。古庙坐北朝南,横峙湖岸,凌空映波,殿高压云。庙门上有“巢湖中庙”书刻。整个庙宇楼阁重檐飞出,似丹凤之冠,在晚霞的照射下,灿灿生辉。中庙现供奉关羽、观音和诸神。据传原奉还有泰山玉女、巢湖焦姥…… 位于巢湖水面中心,距中庙镇4千米,离巢湖、合肥二市各的姥山,传说陷巢州时,焦姥舍身济世,变成此山,故名。姥山实为一亿多年前火山爆发形成的湖心岛,海拔105米,面积 0.86平方千米。山呈椭圆形,远看是三山,近瞧有九峰。据《南塘通志》记载:“姥山,又名南塘。”

在姥山上有一座文峰塔,伫立在姥山之颠的笔架山上。雄伟壮观,是观赏巢湖风光的最佳处。传说焦姥登塔可以更好的看望姑山,故又名望儿塔。此塔始建于明崇祯四年,庐州知府严尔圭倡建,建成四层,因农民起义而辍工。清光绪四年,李鸿章倡捐,委江苏候补道吴 芬续建三层完工。塔共7层,133级,高51米,系条石青砖结构,八角形,层出飞檐,每檐悬铁铃,内有砖雕佛像802尊,匾额题词25件。因建塔是为了显示地方人文之胜,故名文峰塔。有民谣云:“姥山宝塔尖一尖,庐州府里出状元。”为县级重点文物保护单位。塔身由外壁、画廊、塔心三个部分组成,奇巧堪绝。塔门刻有“云梯”二字。


巢湖精选范文 篇13





巢湖精选范文 篇14

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Chaohu, the beautiful "great garden of centralAnhui". I'm Wang Bing, the tour guide of Anhui travel agency. Today I'll showyou the dreamlike world in pictures and the dreamlike water town. When I meetyou for the first time, how about reciting a poem to help you have fun?

Chaohu Lake is like an inkstone, with Gushan as its ink mill. Laoshan islike a sheep's brush, which is enough to write the green sky eight line about? Is it domineering? Ha ha, don't be fooled by Xiao Wang. Thismagnificent seven character poem is not written by me. It comes from LiHongzhang, a famous person in Hefei. What is the beauty of his poetry? Let's goto the bottom together!

On the way to Chaohu, I'd like to tell you a beautiful legend: we all knowthat Chaohu is named because it looks like a bird's nest, but do you know theorigin of its other name "Jiaohu"? According to the records of Soushenji, Chaohuwas a state in ancient times. One year, there was a severe drought. Xiaobailongsecretly rained to eliminate the drought. He broke the heavenly rule and wasbeaten down. He met grandma Jiao to help him. In return for Jiao's help, XiaoBailong tells the emperor of heaven that he will sink into Chaohu Lake. WhenJiao gets the news, she runs around and tells the people of Chaohu Lake thatthey are saved. But Jiao's mother and daughter delayed their escape by tellingthe neighbors, and they were engulfed by the torrential flood. Later generationsadmired Jiao's noble character of sacrificing herself to save others, so theynamed the lake "Jiao Lake" and a mountain in the lake "Lao Mountain".

We look out of the window. Now the water area that comes into our eyes isChaohu Lake. As a matter of fact, Chaohu Lake is a faulted lake. As early asJurassic and Cretaceous, the strata around Chaohu Lake were faulted, whichhindered the water flow in the eastern Piedmont of Dabie Mountain in WesternChina and formed a vast water surface. After tens of millions of years ofcrustal movement and sediment deposition, about 15000 years ago, today's ChaohuLake was formed. It covers an area of more than 800 square kilometers, known as"eight hundred Li Lake sky", and is also one of the five largest freshwaterlakes in China.

Chaohu scenic spot is a national key scenic spot, mainly includingZhongmiao, Laoshan and Yinping mountain. Now when we get off the bus, we come toZhongmiao and Laoshan Scenic spots, which are the most concentrated andcharacteristic scenic spots. It is a tourist scenic spot integrating lake,mountain, island, tower, temple and temple. First of all, let's take a look atZhongmiao, which is named after its location between Hefei and Chaoxian. TheZhongmiao temple was first built in the Han Dynasty and has a history of morethan 20__ years. And its most brilliant time was "Jiuhua in the south, Zhongmiaoin the north", which was very popular. During the important festivals, thepilgrimage team reached dozens of miles. Let's have a look at the bluestonesteps under our feet. That's the famous shibada. Only by passing it can we cometo the big temple of Zhongmiao. It is said that this place was originally aTaoist temple. At the beginning of the temple, what was worshiped was BixiaYuanjun, which is now the "Empress of the temple". By the Wei, Jin, southern andNorthern Dynasties, Buddhism began to prevail, Taoism gradually declined, so theoriginal Taoist temple gradually became a Buddhist temple.

Walking through the temple, you can see that there are three islands in thelake in the distance, and the biggest one is Laoshan, which is about 3000 metersaway from the temple. Although it is only 4000 meters around the island, thereare three mountains and nine peaks, with many historic sites. Among them, themost famous is the three antiques of Laoshan: ancient pagoda, ancient temple andancient boat pond. There is another story about the ancient pagoda: the ancientpagoda was built in the late Ming Dynasty, but it was not completed due to theoutbreak of the nongming uprising. During the reign of Emperor Guangxu of theQing Dynasty, local gentry lobbied Li Hongzhang to say, "with the tip of LaoshanMountain, Luzhou came out first." Li Hongzhang was very happy to hear that, andordered to raise funds to build the pagoda and named it "Wenfeng pagoda"ding on the Wenfeng tower, you can also see huazangjing temple, an ancienttemple of three ancient times in Zhanmu mountain. Huazangjing temple is anancient temple built in memory of jiaolao, goddess of Chaohu. It was first builtin the Jin Dynasty and rebuilt in the late Qing Dynasty when Wenfeng pagoda wasbuilt. It was renamed "Chaohu Temple" and "SHENGFEI Temple". After seeing thesecond ancient of Laoshan, you must want to know the third ancient boat pond ofLaoshan. This ancient boat pond is the harbor surrounded by huge stones that hitone or two kilos. There are two harbors like this. Do you know why? Because ofthe southeast wind in the first half of the year and the northwest wind in thesecond half of the year, two boat ponds were built. It is the warship haven ofChaohu Navy.

Well, the good time is always short. After tasting the delicacy of "Chaohuthree treasures" silver fish, white shrimp and crab, our trip today is over. Ibelieve that in the near future, I can still lead you to visit Chaohu again andtaste three treasures!

巢湖精选范文 篇15

Hello everyone! First of all, on behalf of the travel agency, I would like to welcome you to Chaohu for sightseeing and sightseeing. I am your guide. Today we run this arrangement, the first in the morning tour of Hutian Shengjing temple, on Laoshan Island, on the way to swim Lake Avenue, Chaohu, Kameyama; Wei Li in Chinese restaurant, afternoon tour silver Ping Shan Scenic Area, the concept of the Millennium - ruticosa, fairy cave, Spa Resort back rest. We Chaohu city is named for Chaohu, it covers an area of 9423 square kilometers, the total population of 4 million 500 thousand, under the jurisdiction of Lujiang County, Wuwei County County, Hanshan County, as well as the Juchao district boundary between Hefei and Wuhu in two cities, Hefei, Chuzhou, and the surrounding Lu'an, Anqing City, bordering the river, Wuhu, and Tongling Ma'anshan City, the three look relatively. Chaohu in the Shang and Zhou Jian Nan Chao, the spring and Autumn period to nest in Qin and Han Dynasties set Juchao Tang home, Chaozhou, later called the county, 84 years instead of Chaoxian, Chaohu City, in the 99 year the State Council withdrew the county of Chaohu City, the establishment of the prefecture level city of Chaohu.

Our Chaohu cultural landscape and the natural landscape is very rich, it is known as the garden of Anhui, Chaohu specialty is also very much, such as Chaohu Chaohu honey, Sophora japonica, fireworks, etc.. Now our car is driving on the Lake Road, the Lake Avenue is a set of tourism, flood control, traffic in one, in the 91 years after the flood that began to build up, a total length of 53 meters, then you can see the left is our Chaohu lake water, 800 square kilometers, lake the 23 towns are surrounded by three County District, and Lujiang County, Feidong County, Feixi county and Juchao district. We Chaohu and Dongting Lake, Hongze lake, Poyang Lake, Taihu and are known as the five largest freshwater lakes, and we Chaohu in the five largest freshwater lakes are the smallest. Chaohu, also known as the coke lake. It is said that in ancient times of Chaohu, a small white dragon without rainfall except sweat, sweat, made tiantiao, was the emperor censureddescends to earth, when coke Laoshan saved, the small white dragon at the focal Laoshan life-saving grace, so he told the emperor to trap nest the matter, and inform all the neighbors in Laoshan coke so, all the neighbors to Mian victims, however, but when the coke basking by neighbor delay the chance to escape flooded, the daughter also lost a pair of shoes in a hurry to run and was flooded, and later people to commemorate the focal basking spirit, will be in the lake called coke lake. The coke is made of a mu Laoshan, daughter turned into a mountain, one of her shoes into the shoe hill.

Of course, this is just a myth of Chaohu. The real Chaohu formation is of course the result of the movement of the earth's crust. The three treasure of our Chaohu is silvery fish, white rice prawns and crabs. Chaohu lake basin is mainly Yuxi River and Yangtze River flows through their cattle Tunhe. Laoshan island covers an area of 0.86 square kilometers, 105 meters above sea level. The tower that we see now is the Wenfeng tower. There was a sharp peak around Laoshan, Luzhou champion. In order to verify the Ergui Luzhou Fu Yan Song, in the Ming Dynasty for four years (1631) built four storey tower, after the peasant uprising and stop work, to the four years of the Qing Dynasty (1878) Foreign Affairs Minister Li Hongzhang and Juan, built three storey tower, the tower has seven floors, eight horns, 51 meters high, 133. The tower post carved 802 Buddha statues, stone tablets 25 questions. There is a poem in Guo Ruomu's Poems: yaokan Chaohu Kingnet, love aunt hair like oil, namely, second aunt basking.

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巢湖旅游资源丰富,人文景观众多,是皖中旅游胜地。境内有山、有水、有岛、有泉、有洞。江涛、湖光、温泉、是巢湖“水景三绝”。长江流经市内182公里,江涛拍岸,气势磅礴;八百里巢湖波光帆影,景色万千。五大精华景观更是闻名遐迩。一是“一面宝境”--巢湖。巢湖是我国五大淡水湖之一,水域辽阔,沿湖山峦耸立,湖中孤岛突兀,湖光山色,交相辉映。 二是“两颗宝石”--姥山岛、天门山岛。两岛犹如两颗宝石,分别镶嵌于巢湖之中和长江北岸。三是“三串珍珠”--半汤、汤池、香泉三大温泉。四是“四块翡翠”--太湖山、天井山、鸡笼山、冶父山四个国家级森林公园。五是“五座龙宫”--王乔洞、紫薇洞、仙人洞、华阳洞、泊山洞。



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Hello, all of you, I'm Wang Ping, a tour guide from Anhui travel can call me Wang. My side is master Ma, who has many years of drivingexperience. It is a great pleasure to visit the Chaohu scenic area with everyonein this sunny day.

Now our car is driving on lakeside Avenue, Chaohu, also called "Jiao Lake" is said that in ancient times of Chaohu, a year of drought, the small whitedragon without rainfall except dry, made tiantiao, was the emperorcensureddescends to earth, when coke Laoshan saved, the small white dragon atthe focal basking grace, so he told him to heaven in nest state, coke baskingtimely told all the neighbors, to everyone die hard to avoid. He had delayed theopportunity to escape and was washed away by the flood. The daughter lost a pairof shoes in a hurry, and flooded, later people to commemorate the focal baskingspirit, will be in the lake called "coke Lake", and then turned into a cokebasking in Laoshan Mountain, a daughter, her a pair of shoes into the shoe course, these are just a myth. The real Chaohu is of course the result of themovement of the earth's crust.

Now we look to the left is our Chaohu, the lake area of Chaohu 800 squarekilometers, is the largest lake in the province, is one of the five largestfreshwater lakes in China. As the water rich, suitable climate for Anhuifish.

The temple stands in Phoenix Palace red sand reef, three facing water, theexisting building for the late Qing Dynasty temple diange, is dedicated to theworship of bixiayuanjun, and now people visit the temple, is no longer theaeriality pray for the gift of God, but in the work, to enjoy the magnificentscenery of Chaohu Nabaili. And in the temple at Island Lake is a vast lake,which is filled with legendary laoshan.

Laoshan Mountain is the most beautiful in Chaohu biggest lake. Laoshan notonly beautiful. Many visitors walk in the places of historic interest and scenicbeauty, rugged road, if you can hear your footsteps slightly heavier, echosounding, this is the Laoshan unique "an echo", if follow the voice can be foundfor the size of more than 20 caves, cave rocks Ling Xun, very wonderfulinsurance. To climb up, you can see the Wenfeng tower.

Wenfeng's seven floors, 51 meters, 133 layers of eaves angle to walk,octagonal eight square, corner with bells, majestic appearance, exquisitestructure. The body of the tower consists of three parts: the outer wall, thecorridor and the tower heart. In the possession of the viceroy Li Hanzhang wrote"I recently", Chinese Taiwan's first governor Liu Mingchuan wrote the "flow column" 25plaques and 802 statues of Buddha brick tower, people, feel the wind whistling,bells, like standing above the clouds.

Tasha linedwith Li Hongzhang like, Li Hongzhang fortune before gracedivision Zeng Guofan gathered on the lake in the Huai pointing, practice, notfar from the tower, there is a holy temple basking, red Ying tiles nestled inthe green pines and verdant cypresses, beautiful.

Ladies and gentlemen, our journey is about to end. In this short and happytime, I am impressed by the enthusiasm of you, and I hope that the beauty ofChaohu will leave you a good memory.

巢湖精选范文 篇18

巢湖是我国五大淡水湖之一,处于安徽省江淮丘陵的中部,自然条件得天独厚。它东西绵延一百八十里,环湖四百余里,占巢湖市,庐江,肥东,肥西和合肥四县一市境地。四面环山,波光帆影,景色妩媚。明代文人叶善守在《登牛山望焦湖》一诗中写道:“风定湖水平,风生湖水活。波浪撼天高,趁风峭帆出。远疑天上来,还向天际没。日暮净如濯。” 流入巢湖的河汊沟渠纵横交错,其源远至英,霍二山,水面面积达一百二十万亩,水产资源丰富,尤以产银鱼、虾米、螃蟹著称。

巢湖风景优美。宋人刘某游巢湖诗云:“天与水相通,舟行去不穷。何人能缩地,有术可分风? 宿露含深墨,朝曦浴嫩红。四山千里远,晴晦已难同。”巢湖的美,不仅在湖,也在于山。群峰罗列,参差相映,座座峰峦,姿态万千。有“崎岖万山下,万山高且崖”的万家山,有“回首望诸峰,短云飞片片”的大秀山,有“仰视天开阔,俯寻路一线”的芙蓉岭。离城东北十余里的亚父山(既旗山),是楚霸王项羽谋事范增的故乡,有亚父祠,亚父井,亚父冢等遗迹。东南的濡须山(今东关)和七宝山(既西关),形势险要,向为兵家必争之地,春秋时吴楚之争,三国时魏吴之争,都在此时进行过激战。宋代著名爱国诗人陆游曾对巢山景色叹到:“何曾蓄笔砚,景物自成诗。”这山水之胜,林壑之美,诗人们都留下了许多脍炙人口的佳句。

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hello everyone! Today, we are going to visit Chaohu Lake, one of China'sfive major freshwater lakes and a national key scenic spot. Before visiting, letme give you an overview of it. Chaohu Lake is located in the middle of AnhuiProvince. It is named after its bird nest shape. It is 54.5 kilometers long fromeast to west, 21 kilometers wide from north to south, and covers an area of morethan 800 square kilometers. Now it is the "Inner Lake" of Hefei. Since ancienttimes, it has the reputation of "eight hundred Li Lake sky". There are mountainsin the lake and water in the mountains. It is known for its beautiful hu Lake is also a famous land of fish and rice. Its silverfish, white riceshrimp and crabs are known as "three treasures of Chaohu Lake".

Chaohu, also known as "Jiaohu". It is said that Chaohu was a state inancient times. One year when it was dry, xiaobailong secretly rained to get ridof the drought. He broke the rule of heaven and was banished to earth by theemperor of heaven. In order to repay her for saving her life, she told her thatthe emperor of heaven was going to sink into Chaozhou. She told the villagers intime to make them die. However, she delayed her escape and was drowned by theflood. Later, in order to commemorate the spirit of sacrificing herself forothers, people called the lake "Jiaohu" and named a mountain in the lake"Laoshan". Of course, this is only a legend. The real formation of Chaohu Lakeis the result of crustal movement.

Today, we mainly visit Zhongmiao, Laoshan island and yinpingshan tourists, our current location is Zhongmiao pier. This temple is is it called Zhongmiao? This ancient temple is named because it is locatedbetween Hefei and Chaohu Lake. It is known as "the most beautiful place in thelake". Due to the strong fragrance in the past dynasties, it is known as "SouthJiuhua, North Temple". The Zhongmiao temple was built in the Han Dynasty and hasa history of more than 20__ years. Since the Han Dynasty, it has been abandonedand repaired many times. In 1889, the 15th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu,Li Hongzhang proposed to raise funds to build the temple. There were more than70 temples. Please have a look. What's this? Yes, it's a stick. It's used by theTaoist in the Taoist temple to hang incantations. As we all know, it is unlikelythat there is such a big stick in front of a Buddhist temple. It is said that itused to be a Taoist temple. At the beginning, it was Bixia Yuanjun, the "Empressof Zhongmiao" that we worship now. In the Wei, Jin, southern and NorthernDynasties, Buddhism began to prevail, Taoism gradually declined, so the originalTaoist temple became a Buddhist temple.

Ladies and gentlemen, please follow me. Now let's take a cruise to visitLaoshan island. Laoshan island is the largest of the three major islands inChaohu, about 3 kilometers away from Zhongmiao. There are more than 90 familiesand more than 200 people on the island. They live by fishing for a long ecological environment of Laoshan island is very good, and the vegetationcoverage rate reaches 99%. The tower we see now is Wenfeng tower. Wenfeng towerwas built in the Chongzhen period of Ming Dynasty. When it was built on thefourth floor, it was shut down because of the peasant uprising. During the reignof Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty, local squires lobbied Li Hongzhang tosay: Li Zhongtang, our temple, has a local saying that "the top of MountLaoshan, the top of Luzhou". Li Hongzhang, a native of Luzhou, who is now fromHefei, was very happy after hearing this, so he decided to raise money to buildthe pagoda and named it "Wenfeng pagoda". Wenfeng tower is now seven storyoctagonal, 133 steps, 51 meters high, the top of the tower inlaid with LiHongzhang. Standing on the tower, you can see shoshan and Gushan.

Ladies and gentlemen, after visiting Laoshan Island, we are going to visitYinping mountain peony. When it comes to peony, you will think of many poemsabout peony. One of them is "natural beauty, people can't give up, and the earthnurtures the famous flower, and the guest comes". Today, we come to Yinpingmountain to enjoy the magic peony. Please look in the direction of my e are four big characters on the cliff which is tens of feet high: strangeflowers on the silver screen. There is a cluster of flowers 1.5 meters above the"strange" character. This is the wild white peony on the silver screen, which isthe "most wonderful flower in the world". Every year, in the rainy season, theflowers are in full bloom,

People from all over the world will come here to watch peonies. It is saidthat this wild white peony has magical aura, which can predict the year sceneryand drought and flood situation from its blooming and withering, more and less:for example, five flowers bloom, good weather and good harvest; flowers bloomearly and wither early, there will be drought and so on. Therefore, the localpeople call her "weather flower" and "God flower". In 1998, the Institute ofbiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences calculated that this wild white peonymay be the ancestor of the existing tree peony, and it is also the only and lasttree in the world, which has been included in the Chinese famous placesdictionary.

Well, today's visit ends here. I hope today's visit will leave you a goodand deep memory! thank you!

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巢湖精选范文 篇22

Hello everyone! First of all, on behalf of the travel agency, I would liketo welcome you to Chaohu for sightseeing and sightseeing. I am your guide. Todaywe run this arrangement, the first in the morning tour of Hutian Shengjingtemple, on Laoshan Island, on the way to swim Lake Avenue, Chaohu, Kameyama; WeiLi in Chinese restaurant, afternoon tour silver Ping Shan Scenic Area, theconcept of the Millennium - ruticosa, fairy cave, Spa Resort back rest. WeChaohu city is named for Chaohu, it covers an area of 9423 square kilometers,the total population of 4 million 500 thousand, under the jurisdiction ofLujiang County, Wuwei County County, Hanshan County, as well as the Juchaodistrict boundary between Hefei and Wuhu in two cities, Hefei, Chuzhou, and thesurrounding Lu'an, Anqing City, bordering the river, Wuhu, and TonglingMa'anshan City, the three look relatively. Chaohu in the Shang and Zhou Jian NanChao, the spring and Autumn period to nest in Qin and Han Dynasties set JuchaoTang home, Chaozhou, later called the county, 84 years instead of Chaoxian,Chaohu City, in the 99 year the State Council withdrew the county of ChaohuCity, the establishment of the prefecture level city of Chaohu.

Our Chaohu cultural landscape and the natural landscape is very rich, it isknown as the garden of Anhui, Chaohu specialty is also very much, such as ChaohuChaohu honey, Sophora japonica, fireworks, etc.. Now our car is driving on theLake Road, the Lake Avenue is a set of tourism, flood control, traffic in one,in the 91 years after the flood that began to build up, a total length of 53meters, then you can see the left is our Chaohu lake water, 800 squarekilometers, lake the 23 towns are surrounded by three County District, andLujiang County, Feidong County, Feixi county and Juchao district. We Chaohu andDongting Lake, Hongze lake, Poyang Lake, Taihu and are known as the five largestfreshwater lakes, and we Chaohu in the five largest freshwater lakes are thesmallest. Chaohu, also known as the coke lake. It is said that in ancient timesof Chaohu, a small white dragon without rainfall except sweat, sweat, madetiantiao, was the emperor censureddescends to earth, when coke Laoshan saved,the small white dragon at the focal Laoshan life-saving grace, so he told theemperor to trap nest the matter, and inform all the neighbors in Laoshan cokeso, all the neighbors to Mian victims, however, but when the coke basking byneighbor delay the chance to escape flooded, the daughter also lost a pair ofshoes in a hurry to run and was flooded, and later people to commemorate thefocal basking spirit, will be in the lake called coke lake. The coke is made ofa mu Laoshan, daughter turned into a mountain, one of her shoes into the shoehill.

Of course, this is just a myth of Chaohu. The real Chaohu formation is ofcourse the result of the movement of the earth's crust. The three treasure ofour Chaohu is silvery fish, white rice prawns and crabs. Chaohu lake basin ismainly Yuxi River and Yangtze River flows through their cattle Tunhe. Laoshanisland covers an area of 0.86 square kilometers, 105 meters above sea level. Thetower that we see now is the Wenfeng tower. There was a sharp peak aroundLaoshan, Luzhou champion. In order to verify the Ergui Luzhou Fu Yan Song, inthe Ming Dynasty for four years (1631) built four storey tower, after thepeasant uprising and stop work, to the four years of the Qing Dynasty (1878)Foreign Affairs Minister Li Hongzhang and Juan, built three storey tower, thetower has seven floors, eight horns, 51 meters high, 133. The tower post carved802 Buddha statues, stone tablets 25 questions. There is a poem in Guo Ruomu'sPoems: yaokan Chaohu Kingnet, love aunt hair like oil, namely, second auntbasking.

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