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是在一个群体里,你有很多可供选择的对象。 对于认真的要步入婚

姻的人而言, 比较能找到层次相当的 .遇到机会还是不要错过,有些东西失去了可能就找不回来了!







成果等。 1恋爱与性是分开的观念,要合理引导。 2大学生恋爱是人权社会的表现






第一 恋爱可以使男生精神百倍。为何了,因为要恋爱了,每个男生总是


第二 恋爱可以使男生交友,语言,举止,口才得到锻炼了。为何了,因


第三 恋爱可以使男生电脑,游戏,知识大进步。因为要恋爱,总要在女

朋友面前炫耀自己的本事,所以有一点电脑知识,游戏知识,历史知识等等知识,当还有文学只是,让女朋友不寂寞,谈什么都不寂寞,谈什么都有话题。 而读书了,带来的还是书本的知识,而且还要为考试忙碌而忘记女朋

第四 恋爱可是使男生变的开朗,活泼,运动,因为要恋爱,女生总喜欢


第五 恋爱可以使男生卫生,个人的坏习惯而改变。为何了,因为要恋爱


第六 恋爱可以使男生的皮肤和保养方面更好,早睡早起。为何了,因为


第七 恋爱可以使男生的学业更好。为何了,因为恋爱了,女朋友希望自





































有学会这真功课,这一辈子其实是没有什么价值,一个人要学会去爱才宝贵。 2 222学习沟通你 还有个可能性,学会与异性的朋友来沟通。沟通本身就是非常难学习的艺术,而





个性,一点脾气、毛病都没有,世界上找不到这样的人。 4.学习控制脾气



























4.你可以问对方本人有没有“自制力”。(偌大没有, 他没有,并不能代表其



1、减轻压力 美国芝加哥大学和西北大学联合研究表明:当一个人处于

















4、 4 。有助长寿









5、可以减少痛苦 2019年PLoS One刊发了一篇文章,内容研究了减少痛苦、恋爱感和大脑满足




a Jane Austen quote: “Preserve yourself from a first love & you need not fear a


So is it true? Would we be better off without that initial blaze of passion? Sociologist

and relationship expert Pepper Schwartz doesnt buy it. “I would say, Lucky the

person whos ever been over-the-top, madly in love with someone, ” she says. “You

know what loving someone more than anything feels like. You know how selfless you

can be, how big your heart is.”

And while were on the topic, Schwartz would like to dispel a related cultural myth:

that true love comes only once in a lifetime. “Most people who are capable of

passionate love are capable of having it again,” she says.

So those who have felt love once are likely to feel it again, she adds, they just “wont

feel it with the heart of a 15 year old.”

puppy love’ has its advantages; most of us call it a phase.

It is a phase that we go through every time we hook up with someone new. As an

adult other levels of intimacy are involved but what you feel at the time is the exact equivalent of what a 14 year old feels from a simple cheek kiss.

There is a reason why you smile every time you think of your first crush etched in your memories. Innocence reveals our truest nature. The next time you do the dating thing try cheek pecking before you dive into the adults only.

Love actually can make us healthier, so much so that if you could bottle it, you would have an incredible wonder drug, a Nobel Prize, the thanks of a grateful population and more money than Bill Gates. If a growing body of research is to be believed, love can lengthen your life, ward off stress, boost your immune system, lower your blood pressure, protect you from colds and flu, blunt your response to pain, hasten wound healing, and lower your risk of dementia in old age.

Studies have shown that health-wise, men are a lot better off married than their still-single pals; their wives are less likely to suffer from depression than their unmarried bridesmaids. Let a little romance into your life, and youre less likely to end up in a nursing home when youre old and gray. Love and marriage (or even love without marriage) turns out to be really, really good for us. Here are the main reasons why:

Love Defuses Stress

Unchecked stress can undermine your immune system, leaving you prey to all kinds of physical ills. Some studies have shown that happy couples produce less of the hormone cortisol when theyre stressed. This is a good thing because too much cortisol suppresses the immune system leaving us open to colds, flu and worse. It also prompts the body to store fat around the abdominal organs.

This kind of “visceral fat” is linked to diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Marriageappears to be particularly good for health: rates of diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimers disease and other chronic ailments are all lower in married people than in single ones.

Love Heals Wounds

A study at Ohio State University used a device designed to leave little blisters on the arm and to enable doctors to monitor the immune systems response at the tiny wound sites. The researchers used a study grant to pay 42 married couples $2,000 each to agree to the blistering procedures and then to talk about topics that provoked tension and at another time to discuss topics that engendered supportive behavior. The upshot? The blisters took a day longer to heal after sessions when the couples disagreed than when they discussed something pleasant. The wounds took two days longer to heal when there was high hostility during arguments.

Better Brain Health

The give-and-take of marriage—or living with a partner—helps keep your wits sharp. Living as a couple in midlife was linked to lower risk for cognitive impairment (unusually poor memory and mental functioning) in a Swedish study, while other research shows socializing, including getting together with friends, belonging to a club, or doing volunteer work also helps keep your brain nimble.

The Power of Touch

A study at the University of Virginia showed that holding a spouses hand can diminish stress set off by a mild electric shock. A total of 16 couples took part; first the wives received the shocks while their brains were monitored via functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).

Next, each woman held the hand of a stranger during the shock--this dampened the stress response seen in the brain. Finally, the women held their husbands hands during the shock and the fMRIs showed that the reduction in stress was even greater. The Cuddle Hormone

Women who get the most hugs from their partner have the highest levels of oxytocin, a hormone sometimes called the “cuddle hormone,” University of North Carolina researchers reported.

Oxytocin is believed to play a role in social bonding and has a powerful effect on the cardiovascular systems. In the study, the frequent huggers had lower blood pressure. Togetherness and Health

Another clue to the power of love to keep us well comes from a study showing that health suffers after a divorce or when one spouse dies. The researchers found that being single after being married brings about a decline on physical health. The divorced and widowed in the study had 20 percent more health problems such as heart disease and diabetes than mid-life couples who remained married to their first spouse. Even worse, the positive health benefits of marriage were cancelled out for the divorced and widowed people in the study: they had worse health problems than men and women who had never been married.

The Happiness Factor

Here are some startling statistics illustrating how vital love is to our mental as well as physical well-being: rates of major depression are nine times higher in unmarried men; divorce or separation more than doubles the risk of suicide in men; married men and women drink less alcohol and use less marijuana and than the unmarried; 70 percent of chronic drinkers were divorced or separated - only 15 percent were married.

So there you have it, love is good for almost everything. The only exception: it doesnt help you lose weight.

Dean Ornish, M.D has compiled a number of studies on love and health in his book Love and Survival, the Scientific Basis for the Healing Power of Intimacy (HarperCollins, 1998). In one study he describes, researchers talked with nearly 10 thousand married men who had no previous history of angina (chest pains). Despite high risk factors like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes, men who felt loved by their wives experienced half the angina as men who felt their wives did show them love.

It may seem hard to believe, but according to a study reported in a 2019 issue of

Human Communication Research (issue 33, pp. 119-142), just putting your affectionate feelings down on paper can lower your cholesterol level. For a period of 5 weeks, volunteers wrote about their feelings for loved ones in 20-minute sessions three times a day. Afterwards, they were found to have significantly lower cholesterol levels than their peers.

Levels of the "anti-aging" hormone DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), which produces feelings of youth and vitality, are also affected by feelings of love. At the California-based HeartMath Institute, researchers have used studies of the physiological connections between emotions and the body to develope exercises to teach people how to feel love at will. A study carried out with employees of the Unilever company found that those working with the HeartMath exercises increased their production of DHEA by an average of 50 percent after six months and 90 percent after nine months. In another group of 30 volunteers, they found DHEA levels increased 100 percent.

Interestingly, showing support and affection for loved ones seems to slow the aging process even more than receiving love does. The results of a study of more than 700 elderly people showed that the effects of aging were influenced more by what the participants contributed to their social support network than what they received from it. This may, of course, show that those who are healthier are better able to contribute. Healthy hugging

A study conducted by doctors at the University of North Carolina, published in the July/August, 2019 issue of Psychosomatic Medicine, discovered that hugging has measurable benefits for the heart. Researchers asked 38 couples to sit close to one another, talk, and then hug. Afterwards, women showed somewhat lower levels of cortisol and lower blood pressure, while both men and women had increased levels of oxytocin, the bonding hormone.

Results from just one cuddle were minor, but frequent snuggling can have a real impact. One of the study's leaders, Kathleen Light, Ph.D, noted that in women with the highest levels of oxytocin, systolic blood pressure (peak pressure in the arteries) was 10 mm/Hg lower in women with low oxytocin levels. That, she says, is an effect similar to the one a woman would get from a typical blood pressure medication.

Considering what a powerful emotion love is, maybe it shouldn't be surprising that it can protect your heart, up you levels of youthful hormones, and even lower your cholesterol. Love may have its ups and downs, but overall, at least from a medical perspective, it's worth it

Having someone who loves you cuts down tremendously on stress, because it

provides security and courage to face problems. Your self-confidence rises because you know your partner has your back.”

Love always brings many of the same traits e.g. Trust, companionship and loyalty. These are all very important traits in any relationship and to be able to feel any of them towards another person is a huge advantage as they are all traits that human beings naturally search out due to our basic nature

Love cannot be described in words, is a very different and beautiful feelings which is so pure and real. This is something which one feels when they like someone, but this liking is different from the liking of a normal friend, you feel like you cannot live your life without that other person and you want to be that person forever. When you are with them the times vanishes away like never before, you start giving that person a different place and value in your life.

love is a very beautiful feeling; it makes one feel on top of this earth and makes them feel important. As if they are special and all these feelings make them happy and they do things in a very cheerful and nice mood. Love is the most precious possession that ever comes to a human in this world. Love is also happiness and badness; its a spiritual desire or feeling irresistible, pure, and painful. We cannot live without loving someone and without someone to love you.

First of all, love has many benefits. We all know when we are in love, we see the

world like a blind, and everything around us appears beautiful, magic and

wonderful. As a little girl, I always knew the meaning of loving someone and being loved. I remember that I watched many movies about love, like Cinderella, Pocahontas and more. I regularly dream of my prince charming. The marvel of love has no age, no time and no one can control it. Love is like the song of glorious, it makes us feel not alone anymore. Nobody can slip away love, it’s also obsession.

Well love is a beautiful thing but it has made me stronger than I thought I could be.

Love makes you smarter

Falling in love induces a calming effect on the body and mind by raising levels of nerve growth for about a year. This hormone-like substance helps to restore the nervous system and improves memory by triggering the growth of new brain cells.

Love helps fight cancer

A new study from the University of Iowa found that ovarian cancer patients with a strong sense of connection to others and satisfying relationships had more vigorous "natural killer" cell activity at the site of their tumours than those who didn't have those social ties. (These desirable white blood cells kill cancerous cells as part of the body's immune system.)

Love is good for your heart

The brain becomes "fired up" when talking to someone it finds attractive and sends impulses to the heart making it pound three times faster than normal. This results in increased blood supply to the body, specifically the cheeks and sexual organs, which gives us the feeling of butterflies in the stomach.

(Dr John Marsden PhD. chartered psychologist and senior lecturer at London's Institute of Psychiatry.)

A study conducted at the University of North Carolina found that couples who spent time in close physical contact, including hugging and talking with each other, had higher levels of oxytocin — the love hormone. Women also benefited from lower blood pressure. The authors speculated that greater oxytocin levels may increase the probability of future positive interactions, so that oxytocin and partner bonding reciprocate in a positive feedback loop. Love makes you live longer

Studies have indicated that a lack of love causing social isolation increases the risk of early death by up to five times. Feeling connected is essential to good health.

Research carried out at The Institute for Research on Unlimited Love,

suggests that selfless love can increase our immunity by de-stressing us as well as possibly extending our life spans and improving our mental health states, including reducing depression, for those who focus their attention on giving or helping others. So why not get out and get involved in a charity project?

as long as possible to enjoy the pleasure of love, marriage and love the feeling is very different.
